
The role of the "Community" in the workshop is to make sure everyone feels at ease.

Role of Community

Make sure that the participants feel welcome and at ease. Support the participants with whatever special needs they have. Smile.

What matters:

Before check-In
  • Have a look at the participant's list (the champ or the participant's facilitator is happy to provide you with access to the list). It's good to know who to expect.

  • Make sure that participants know how to find the workshop space. You can, for instance, place signs.
    Find out where the first aid kit and the nearest hospital are (register the emergency numbers).

  • Setup a welcome desk for participants where they can sign in and place their jackets, bags, etc. Have NDAs (if needed) ready to sign and collect and name tags. Have a sheet for participants where they can note dietary restrictions.

  • Make sure the agenda of the day is visible.

  • Make sure there is some nice music playing (e.g. lounge music).

During check-in
  • Make sure participants get something to drink and a snack when they arrive.

  • Make sure you know who is here and who is missing.

  • Give participants a warm welcome.

  • Find out where the missing people are (feel free to call them) and let the champ and participant's facilitator know.

 During the workshop
  • Look at the workshop from the participants' standpoint - inform the participant's facilitator if you think someone is not feeling at ease.

  • Support participants if they have special requests.
    Provide feedback to the facilitator from the participants' standpoint.

  • Join the participants for lunch.

At the end of the workshop
  • Make sure every participant fills in the feedback form. Collect all the feedback forms and hand them to the participant's facilitator.

  • Say thank you!

  • Smile.

Tools and Resources
  • The champ or another member of the organizing team is happy to provide you with access to the participants' overview.

  • Lounge music playlist on Spotify

  • Welcome poster


Don't let yourself be distracted by others in the organizing team. Even if things get a little hectic it's important to stay in touch with the participants.

How to expand scope

If you see that all participants are happy, feel free to join for instance the minute takers.

What if…
  • Participants don't show up: try to reach them and find out what happened. Inform the participant's facilitator and the champ.

  • Participants walk out: try to find out why they left and if they will be back (don't be pushy). Inform the participant's facilitator and the champ.

  • Participants don't feel comfortable: inform the participant's facilitator and the champ.

  • Participants appear tired: inform the participant's facilitator and request fresh air or a break.