Creative-Workshop 1 Day

Do you have an important innovation challenge? Do you need surprising results in a short time? Are you looking for grounded ideas as well as "out-of-the-box-thinking"? Would you like to create a strong buy-in for the ideas?

The "Creative Workshop 1 Day" is an intensive workshop to create ideas for a strategic relevant innovation challenge within one day. During the workshop we use the proven BrainStore Idee Maschine process. The workshop is structured in three parts: 1) The amassing phase (goal: quantity). 2) The illumination phase (goal: quality). 3) The like phase (goal: identify the most promising ideas). At the end of the workshop we have a set of concrete ideas, and we know which ideas resonate the most among the participants.

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Usage and value created

You have a strategic relevant innovation challenge you would like to work on.

This is how BrainStore creates value for you:

· Powerful contents
· High efficiency
· Powerful innovation experience for all participants
· Professional project management


The "Creative Workshop 1 Day" is an ideal process to include an interesting community of participants. BrainStore recommends to include participants from within your organisation, customers of your organisation, external experts and lateral thinkers. Recommended number of participants: 18 to 60.

Lead Time

The "Creative Workshop 1 Day" requires a minimal lead time of one week.


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All BrainStore offers are based on BrainStore's avant-garde Pay-What-You-Wish-Model". After receiving the deliverables you have two days to reflect on the value and to set the price. You can set any price you wish. There is no minimum and no maximum. BrainStore will send you and invoice for the amount indicated, due within 10 days. Third party costs are covered by the customer."


The Customer

The customer provides information and feedback and provides resources for the project.


The participants bring in fresh ideas and new perspectives

BrainStore Champ

The Champ is the interface between the team and the customer.

Organizing Team

Every project has and organizing team in charge of preparing and running the process.

Step by step

1) Kickoff Meeting

We start every project with a kickoff meeting.

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2) Briefing

We make sure that we have a good briefing - it's the foundation for a good collaboration.

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3) Design the Script

The organizing team now creates a detailed script for the entire process.

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4) Workshop 1 Day
5) Presentation of results

The BrainStore team presents the results.

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Tools in this products

Learn to use the Idea Machine

Experience the Idea Machine in action and learn how to use it.

Creative Workshop

The BrainStore team loves to bring together participants representing many different viewpoints in fast pace, highly efficient brainstorming-workshops.

Experience Multiple Viewpoints

Different perspectives on the same topic stimulate the creative process and create space for the unexpected.

Inputs from External Experts

External experts inspire during the creative process with their expertise.

Examples for the usage

New customers for existing products

Where could we find new customer segments for existing products?

New products and solutions for existing customers

What new products and solutions would delight our customers?


What factors will make our next advertising campaign work?


What is our new claim?

Company Website

How can we turn our website irresistibly useful?

Customer needs

How can our organization get better at identifying the desires and needs of our customers?

Digital evolution

Where should we digitize our business? How will it make work life simpler?


What are the surprising highlights of our next event?

Improve employee satisfaction

How can we become more attractive to our employees without raising costs?

Surprising technical solutions

How can we efficiently solve a technical challenge?

Community work

What form of community work is suitable for our organization?

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