Personal Flexpedition

Discover your personal unknown unknowns and expand your comfort zone.

This product is aimed at individuals who are looking for the unknown unknown. You want to reorient yourself and get to know the limits of your personal comfort zone?

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Usage and value created

What counts in your life?


During the personal roadmap workshop the customer and a BrainStore partner collaborate.

Lead Time

The Personal Flexpedition takes 24 hours, ideally from 16.00 hrs to 16.00 hrs the following day and has a lead time of about 2 weeks.


image/svg+xmlPAYWHAT YOU WISH
All BrainStore offers are based on BrainStore's avant-garde "Pay-What-You-Wish-Model". After receiving the deliverables you have two days to reflect on the value and to set the price. You can set any price you wish. There is no minimum and no maximum. BrainStore will send you and invoice for the amount indicated, due within 10 days. Third party costs are covered by the customer.

Step by step

1) My personal purpose

First we answer the purpose question

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2) My roadmap

What is on your mind? What would you like to do?

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Tools in this products

Unusual locations

We find unusual locations including accommodation.

Inputs from External Experts

External experts inspire during the creative process with their expertise.

IdeaMachine Engine

BrainStore makes available the IdeaMachine Engine.

Road Map Tool

The simplest way to create a shared understanding of the future is to work with road maps.

Examples for the usage

Discover the unknown-unknowns

There are things we know. There are things we don't know. And there are things we don't know we don't know. Let's discover them.

Personal Roadmap

What is my personal roadmap? Where am I heading to? How do I want to get there?

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