BrainStore Lobby vs. Classical Video Conferencing

The BrainStore Online Lobby – a client called it "Zoom" on steroids is an interactive workshop platform which allows you to host online workshops with full access to the entire BrainStore toolset.

BrainStore Online Lobby

Open 24 hours a day. Inviting, simple, interactive.

Classical Video Conferencing Tool

Entry complicated. Open only during meetings. Interaction possibilities are limited.

BrainStore Online Lobby
Classical Video Conferencing Tool

Opening Times

Open 24/7 - Access any time you like.

Wait for the host to arrive.

Sehen, wer hier ist

Die Lobby-Besucher:innen können gegenseitig ihre Biografien sehen. Es entsteht schnell Interesse an der Community.

Vorstellungsrunden ohne Ende - oder einfach nicht wissen, wer alles da ist.

Content sharing

Work together on content

Screen share and see content evaporate.


Prepare your workflow to taste

Work without flow.

Breakout groups

Seamless integration

Complex. No realtime documentation of results.

Access rights

Very simple on a per project level - for all Lobbies

Case by case with mixed teams


Possible with all underlying rights

Not possible

Mixed formats

Simple and inspiring

Complicated and noisy