Preparation of the Flexpedition

Every Flexpedition is carefully prepared by the organizing team. Preparation includes defining promising search areas, recruitment, assessment and training of the participants, defining the expedition program and options and preparation of logistics.

Who do we want to involve for the Flexpedition? Which people inspire us? What people expand our comfort zone? What places inspire?
What places expand our comfort zone? What doors do we want to open? What questions do we want to pursue?

Create the Outline of the Flexpedition

Development of possible Flexpedition options

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Define profile of the participants

Who do we want to involve for the Flexpedition? Which people inspire us? Which people expand our comfort zone?

Recruitment of Flexpedition participants

The opportunity to be part of the Flexpedition is announced within the community of potential participants.

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Selection of the participants

Decide on Flexpedition participants

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Preparation of the Training

The training of the participants is well prepared.

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Flexpedition Training

Every Flexpedition requires adequate training.

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Conclusion of the cycle

BrainStore creates a report with the results and the recommendations and presents the results. The customer then has two days to reflect on the value and to set the price. A debriefing concludes the cycle. If both parties agree, the kickoff for the next cycle can take place.

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