
Expand your comfort zone in the quest for the unknown unknowns.

What is a Flexpedition

The "BrainStore Flexpedition" is a unique journey into the future of your organization. Detached from day-to-day business, central themes of the future are considered.

During the Flexpedition, an awareness of the necessity of change and the desire for the future arises. The comfort zone is extended.

During the Flexpedition, initiatives are created, affecting different areas of the organization, and can be put into practice after the return.
In search of refreshing areas of innovation, we will guide your team through uncharted territories in 6 steps.


There are...

  • things we know.
  • things we know we don't know.
  • things we don't know we don't know.

Goal of the Flexpedition

  • Together, we set out to discover uncharted territories of which we do not yet know today that they exist.
  • These observations and encounters lead to new approaches - even far beyond today's imagination.
  • These approaches form the breeding ground for change.

Correlations between individuals and teams

A Flexpedition increases awareness of the interactions between the levels of team, individual, and organization.

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The Flexpedition lives from the diversity of the participants - looking for a good mix of complementary personalities.

The composition of the expedition team is of central importance:

  • Investor/sponsor (responsibility, use of results, financing, "investor")
  • Organizing team
  • Flexpedition Participants
  • External contributors

Important: Voluntary participation only (for each cycle)!

Lead Time

The duration of an entire Flexpedition is between 3 months and 18 months. A Flexpedition consists of multiple clearly defined cycles.

After each cycle has been completed, the subsequent cycle's scope will be determined jointly based on the previous cycle's results, findings, and experience.

After each cycle, there is a possibility of stopping. Within the cycle, it is possible to stop only in case of emergency.

Nobody is forced to be present at a cycle.


image/svg+xmlPAYWHAT YOU WISH
All BrainStore offers are based on BrainStore's avant-garde Pay-What-You-Wish-Model". After receiving the deliverables you have two days to reflect on the value and to set the price. You can set any price you wish. There is no minimum and no maximum. BrainStore will send you and invoice for the amount indicated, due within 10 days. Third party costs are covered by the customer."



This person invests in the Flexpedition by making available resources - and can capitalize on the findings. Often this person participates in the Flexpedition.

Organizing Team of the Flexpedition

Guides enable navigation in uncharted territories at the edge of your comfort zone, the back-office team ensures the smooth admin part of the Flexpedition. The organizing team is also in charge of the training.

Flexpedition team

The participants of the Flexpedition, the change agents of the organization.

External experts

External experts contribute with expertise for a relevant aspect of the project's topic. We often recruit these people in other industries.

Step by step

1) Acquire the Flexpedition Briefing

We start every Flexpedition with a solid briefing.

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2) Recruitment of the Organizing Team for the Flexpedition

Every Flexpedition has an organizing team. The team is carefully composed and consists of guides, external experts and logistics.

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3) Preparation of the Flexpedition

Every Flexpedition is carefully prepared by the organizing team. Preparation includes defining promising search areas, recruitment, assessment and training of the participants, defining the expedition program and options and preparation of logistics.

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4) Flexpedition and Recovery

Embark on the Flexpedition. The Flexpedition guides will join you on your journey to discover the unknown unknowns.

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5) Consolidation and Summary of Findings and Learnings

The individual learnings and findings are shared with the entire team the guides and the sponsor and consolidated.

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6) "Get. It. Done."-Phase

Now it's time to make future happen.

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Optional modules

Unusual locations

We find unusual locations including accommodation.

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Unusual encounters

Working with BrainStore means collaboration with diverse, inclusive teams. We enjoy integrating many different viewpoints in our work.

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Get insights into unusual organizations

Visiting interesting organizations or involving key-people from these organizations is very inspiring.

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Tools in this products

Briefing Tool

BrainStore makes available a robust briefing structure.

BrainStore's Offers Engine

Create intriguing collaboration offers to share within or outside of your existing community.

Community Tool

This tool allows you to compose the community for your project. It also allows you to fine-tune roles and access privileges for every project part.

Idea Machine Software

The Idea Machine Software provides the online platform to cover the entire content creation process with the Idea machine, starting with the briefing all through the road map.

Road Map Tool

The simplest way to create a shared understanding of the future is to work with road maps.


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Examples for the usage

Discover the unknown-unknowns

There are things we know. There are things we don't know. And there are things we don't know we don't know. Let's discover them.

New products and solutions for existing customers

What new products and solutions would delight our customers?

New customers for existing products

Where could we find new customer segments for existing products?

Expand your comfort zone

How can we break out of our comfort zone and dare experiments?

Create a desire for the future and change

How can we instill an irresistible desire for change within our organization?

Dormant talent

How can we wake up dormant talent in our organization?

What is our purpose?

What is the purpose of our organization? What unites us?

Strategic priorities

How can we identify the most critical strategic priorities within the organization and cleverly bundle them?

Greenfield reset

What would our organization look like if we founded it today?

Dealing with failure

How do we reduce the fear of failure and create an open failure culture?

What does our organization stand for in 2030?

Where would we like to be by 2030? And how will we get there?

Reduction of complexity

How can we reduce complexity in our daily work to create capacities to focus more on what really matters?

Break out of traditional silo structures

How can we break out traditional silo structures within our organization and enable productive collaboration between departments, management levels, and functions?

Tools to design the future

What tools support us in designing the future?

Which scenarios do we want to be prepared for

What are possible future scenarios for our organization? How can we prepare?

Transform innovation culture

How will we transform our innovation culture? How do we learn to deal with risks and failure? How can all team members become innovators?

Speed and agility

In a fast-evolving environment: How can we as an organization become more agile and faster?

Collaborative innovation

How can every person in our organization get to know the challenges that we face and start addressing the ones relevant?

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